Yay! Macross! Funtime!
The gameplay is very fun and holds true to the series. You also get to play through some interesting battles from the show, such as the initial Zentraedi attack on Macross Island, and the part where the Zentraedi fleet destroys Earth!
The graphics, too, hold true to the nature of the show. The cel-shaded graphics look great and the Veritechs and Zentraedi mecha look exactly like that from the show.
The sound is where Battlecry really shines. They got all the voice actors from the show to do Rick, Roy, Minmei, and Lisa, and they sound fantastic!
The game is also pretty tough, even on the lowest difficulties. Some of the missions are also sort of repetetive, but some are a blast! With lots of Veritechs and even a Zentraedi female power armor to unlock, you'll be going for a while!
The bottom line is that Robotech: Battlecry is a great game on any console and lives up to the series completely. Reccomended renter or buyer for any Robotech obsessee.