A 3rd person shooter game with giant robots.
User Rating: 7.5 | Robotech: Battlecry PS2
Robotech is about a former air plane pilot who is now in a war against the giant alien attackers. At times the game can be hard but, most objectives are simple. Get in there and kill all aliens!!! You will be shooting your enemies up... in deep space, on the ground or in mid-air. you will earn medals through out story mode and medals equal more robot designs and paint jobs. People mostly play their game by themselves because multiplayer is just plain stupid, which makes a better reason to play solo. robotech will pit you in missions by yourself which makes it seem like your doing all the dirty work which stinks. If you're not sure, try to rent it first because it sure isn't the best game ever to hit the stores. That is, if you like transformers with guns, then get this game. It's only twenty dollars.