RB2 is a great game and very user-friendly if you owned the first game. Graphics are a little better. Solo World Tour mode is a lot better than the stupid single play mode in RB1. My major complaint would be the length of songs. Sometimes when playing with friends (especially newbs) a six-minute song is just too long. Why didn't they just include a mode that has shortened songs? When people are waiting for their turn, six minutes is a long time to wait. Otherwise it's a fun game. I like the variety of songs that they included, but some of the songs are a bit questionable because they aren't famous. Nobody wants to sing to a song that they've never heard before. I guess they will keep the most famous songs of bands for downloadable content to make a few more bucks. RB2 is a great game, but it somehow feels that I played $60 just to download 80 new songs into the RB1.
Yes, I got the game early. Two days before street date to be exact. In that time, my friends and I have already logged almost 15 hours of gameplay. This game is that fun. The first Rock Band was great. I was expecting... Read Full Review
Before reading this review, please know that this is from the perspective of someone who bought the game with only the Rock Band 1 drum kit. I have not played the guitar, bass, or singing tracks on any of the songs. Howe... Read Full Review