Great playlist

User Rating: 10 | Rock Band 2 X360
The playlist of this game is just awesome, it has a mix of classic and modern music.

My favorites are Linkin Park, Avenged Sevenfold, Afi, and of course Metalicca.

I think this game will beat GH:WT because it has about the same setlist as Rock Band 2 and i'm willing to bet the dlc will be similar.

The drum solos are a great addition to this game and i doubt that GH:WT will have guitar solos or drum solos that give extra points.

I love how the singleplayer tour works now, it's much better than just playing 84 songs than your done. It gives it alot more variety and gives you achievments that you couldn't get otherwise which is great for achievement whores.

The challenges give something to do when your bored and they give cool rewards such as the bass one gives you the bass bomb which would normally cost 64,000.

The Xbox Live is just awesome in this game, it's fun seeing how you are against people around the world.