The ultimate unbiased GHWT vs. Rock Band 2 review.
RB2 has generally less exciting guitar lines, but it does have a guitar solo counter. Usually under charted. Okay guitar peripheral.
GHWT has generally more challenging guitar lines, but is usually over charted. Good guitar peripheral.
Verdict: If you want a better guitar game, buy Guitar Hero World Tour. 1/0
RB2 has 4 pads and a kick peddle. Very hard drum parts on Expert.
GHWT has 5 pads and a kick peddle. A little easier than RB2 on Expert.
Verdict: Tie. GHWT has cymbals, but RB2 has better charts. 2/1
RB2 features a USB microphone. GHWT also has a USB microphone
Verdict: No difference. 3/2 (Buy SingStar if you want to sing...)
RB2 has lots of songs and an amazing amount of DLC.
GHWT also has a lot of songs and DLC seems to be coming along nicely.
Verdict: RB2 has a slight edge with the DLC and better tracks overall.
Band Tour:
RB2 features a great world tour mode and introducing a new online mode.
GHWT has a world tour and online world tour, but it is not as exciting as RB2.
Verdict: Rock Band owns in this category. 3/4
Competitive Multiplayer
RB2 features online multiplayer with Face off and Pro-Face off. Also has a battle of the bands.
GHWT has many different types of competitive multiplayer options.
Verdict: GHWT is definitely the king of competitive multiplayer. 4/4
Extra Crap
RB2 has a drum trainer and fill trainer... that's about it.
GHWT has a song creator and an online system called GHTunes. Creating songs is time consuming but fun.
Verdict: Guitar Hero has a cool song creator, which is slightly more impressive than a fill trainer. 5/4
4 Player Co-op
Verdict: Rockband 2 has a better star power system, failing system, and a better everything in this regard. Maybe GHWT 2 will be a bit better on this front...
Looks like its a tie!