The inner Rock Star wanna-be within me has been unleashed.

User Rating: 9 | Rock Band 3 PS3
I've been following the game for a very long time and I mean very long time, but I was hesitant because I've never played or even touched a musical game before playing Rock Band 3. But when my friend got me the game and I immediately bought the toy instruments and started rocking and roll in my room all night.


As there is no proper introduction like Rock Band 3, it opens up with a classic Rock song "Break on through the other side". Actually, the first time I inserted the game disc and saw the opening intro, it got me more excited to try the game even more back then I was just checking out the game and I have no instruments to play with.

So again with presentation, main menus look great too as its background is presented with your virtual Rock Band which you can customize them as you like, but it's better to play first to unlock some accessories and clothes. Even while playing a song, everything is presented well here. For example, when you're starting to play the drums you actually see a drummer popped in the TV that resembles your playing, and so is the guitar.

Score: 9.5/10


If you're planning on buying the game, you, the respective buyer, should know that you have invest more to buy the drums and guitars. They're not real guitar and drums. Mine is toys, but you get Pro Guitar Mode that lets you play real guitar notes in the game. Also, if you're unlucky like because I didn't find the Pro Guitar, then no worries because you can purchase Guitar Heroes instruments instead and I recommend them as a last choice for you.

My guitar Hero instruments work great with the game, but I found drums are a little bit unresponsive especially if there are straight drumming notes. But minor complains doesn't ruin the fun at all and you will feel very satisfied as you drum correctly.

Score: 8.5/10


Well, I guess this is the weakest link in Rock Band 3, though they're not bad or anything, they're just not something eye-candy or special. They're a little cartoonish, but the good thing is there aren't any graphical glitches in this game which is rare as most games now suffer from Graphical and Technical Issues.

Score: 7/10


Aside, from playing the instruments, there is the main campaign that let you take a trip to play straight songs in your hometown, other towns and cities. As you play you must get apple-shaped points to unlock other campaigns. That adds replay value to each campaign you finish. Also, as your fans increase, your Rank increases as well, but that depends on how well you perform. You can create your own Band and name them "Personally, I still haven't created one because I'm unlocking as much accessories as possible"

Score: 10/10

Downloading more songs doubles the fun especially if you found your favorite bands. Gameplay is a blast, though how I wished I had the Pro Guitar but I'll get it eventually….. One day…One day….T_T

Rock Band 3 is like my debut in music games and I'll keep probing for more as they add up more songs in the list. Previous entries of the series can be added up to Rock Band 3. Also, Rock Band: Green Day songs can be exported if you have the game. I only bought Linkin Park Song Pack 1 and Green Day Packs, 1&2 and I'm having so much fun with them. The songs in the game are already great and surprisingly I found them easier to play than the downloaded songs.

General Pros and Cons:

+ Great Library of music both on disc and add-ons.

+ Your Band and the fans look pretty much alive while

- Pop songs.

Presentation: 9.5/10

Instruments: 8.5/10

Graphics: 7/10

Gameplay: 10/10

Overall Score: 9/10