After all this time.....we got this....a PS2 ported version but worse in a way

User Rating: 8 | Rock Band WII
I loved the game Rockband when I first played it with a friend on the Xbox 360 console, and the next week I I heard that the Rockband was comming to the Wii, and I had high expectactions for that game. After all those months waiting for that game, I found out the Wii version is nothing compared to the 360 version so it kinda let me down. To start you can't create your own character. Second, no online features. Third and most frustrating fact is that you can't use a GH controller, and I really hate the RB controller because of the strumbar (hey at least in the 360 and PS2 verion you were allowed to use a GH controller), so I'm going to say to Harmonix, "forget it, I'm not going to buy a 2nd guitar which costs $60-$70." Oh well

Now the good things
To start of the game is still fun and very enjoyable. Even my dad likes it and doesn't even like video games that much. My favorite instrument is the drum kit (I really like what Harmonix did with the drums for the wii version). The 5 extra songs are cool, I really like the songs "Roxanne" and "Dirty Little Secret". The graphics are awesome, but I really don't care about the side visuals, since I focus more on the notes.

The game is good and I do recommend it, but if you have a 360 and a Wii, I would recommed the 360 version cause of the the features. Harmonix made us wait all this time and by the looks of it, they didn't put much effort in it (like I've said before, 3rd party companies aren't making much effort for the wii games), but hey, the game is still enjoyable and fun, but come on man "WHY CAN'T WE USE A GH CONTROLLER D:"