Just a waste of money, better if I haven't bought this game.
But, a big waste of space in the disc, what is about that yellow line across the screen? Or the 4 notes? Why don't you have a dedicated lane for the bass pedal like Drum Mania?.
Evaluation: 4/10.
Sound: Good soundtrack, but bad soundsystem.Drums: You hit two notes, and only one gets sound, it was better if it used the keysound system, where each drum pad has a dedicated sound. This game uses the Tracksound* system, it just follows along falsely drumming. Guitar: Same old Guitar Hero Tracksound* system, just follows along the song, better if the keysound system was applied here, for guitar, keysound system is each note on the chart has a sound, this is the bad point about this game. A single 4.7 GB DVD supports up to 350 songs using the system applied in this game.
Evaluation: 3/10.
Gameplay: Same as the sound, but, some easy songs, some hard and the possibility to see which songs are easy or hard. Evaluation: 6/10.
Controls: What is about the 4 pads and pedal drum controller? I wouldn't spend money on that controller, doesn't give the accurate drum feel.
Evaluation: 4/10.
Network and content download: Not available here, I can't evaluate what is not available.
Adding up: I have played so many modifications of this game, different music, same crappy system.
Overall: 4/10.