Rock Band is probably one of the best games since the original Mario Brothers!!!

User Rating: 8 | Rock Band WII
THE UPS: For the wii version of Rock Band you get exclusive song that on other systems you have to buy. Everything is wireless except the mike. The guitars look a lot more realistic than Guitar Hero. It's a little easyer then Rock Band.
THE DOWNS: You can't make your own band in wii the wii version.
You don't get to choose the state or continent your band plays in. Theirs no good cut screens. [Now I don't want to disappoint anybody with the downs, but if I played it, bought it, and still play it, then its got to be worth something. If your skeptical barrow it or play it at a store you might like it, or you'll hate it and never read another one of my reviews. Witch is ok too, but... like I always say only you know if its good enough for you.]