This game is awesome. Almost perfect, (just i wish the PS2 version has an online store where you can buy extra songs but with a PS2, theres not much you can do about that I guess). But anyway, this game is awesome! No matter what type of music you like from rock, metal, punk, country, pop, etc. I am sure that you will love this game! It will introduce you to new types of music and new songs! I think that they did a great job with the look and the song list! The difficulties are right. If you have played and gotten used to Guitar Hero, then you will find that this game is similar because the colors are the same (Green, red, yellow, blue, orange), and the way you play it is basicly the same, so you wont have to get used to something totally different. THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!!! I Reccomend it!
With vacation season here and in full swing, late-thirty-somethings like my friends and me are in the market for a little good, clean fun once the kids are put to bed. Do to the aforementioned offspring and the dental w... Read Full Review
You play through the game with a friend or with out.It is a great game to play with your friends.You get to play songs by The Who,The Outlaws,The rolling stones, and many more.You can be Bass,Lead guitar,Drums, and micro... Read Full Review