A very fun game, better than guitar hero, but it gets old fast
Rock Band is way easier than guitar hero. That can be good and bad. If you were having a tough time with guitar hero, then go to Rock Band. If you are a pro at guitar hero...then this should be a piece of cake for you. There is a lot of songs, but you will get bored after beating them as I said.
Rock Band brought new instruments to the table - the drums, the bass, and singing. It's very fun to play with your family, and create your own band, and gain fans as you go throughout the game, and beat songs. The harder songs you play the more fans you gain.
The graphics are...well, there are really no graphics besides the people playing in the background...but, the graphics are nice if you're talking about them.
Value -- It depends...do you like music games? Do they keep you interested for a long time? If so, then yes, this is worth it. It's more fun with a lot of people. When you're by yourself...sucks for you.
Overall, Rock Band brought new things to the gaming industry, and it will have its place in gaming history. It's a decent game in my opinion, but not amazing.