Rock Band offers a lot of excellent features. Which make drunken parties way more fun than they are supposed to be...

User Rating: 8.5 | Rock Band X360
Rock Band is an excellent multiplayer game which takes every element of the Guitar Hero series and adding spices to it.

Price = $170 (Is it worth it?)

Graphics = This game may not have the best graphics on the 360 platform, but they do make the game look great and help make the game more enjoyable to play. I noticed several graphical issues while playing but they are extremely easy to get past and you will love the game all the same. One problem I had about the graphics was the frame rate. On the television I was playing on the frame rate was very choppy and didn't flow smoothly with the lyrics and the game. So if you want to rock out with excellent graphics, I suggest a high-def television. 7.5/10

Gameplay = One of the most unique and free-form out of any other game ever invented. The Guitar element is probably the least enjoyable because It has been seen and done before by Harmonix's Guitar Hero. Also, if you have played Guitar Hero and do really good on expert, your not necessarily going to kick-ass on Rock Band. I found the neon rectangular notes annoying and uncool. Another nuisance is the hammer-ons and pull-offs. They are a lot harder to pull off because of the annoying smaller rectangular notes to indicate you do not have to strum. Although that seems simple to identify, but when playing you aren't going to notice them at all. You are probably better off playing them by ear. With each component working together, instead of feeling like your playing by someone. You actually feel like your harmonizing and playing like a band. For instance if your drummer fails out, the bassist and the guitarist may do significantly worse due to the fact that the main rhythm has been taken away. 9.5/10

Hardware = The guitar is very sleek and sexy looking but it feels like you can totally bend it in half. Everything about the guitar is excellent but it is very hard to get used too, if you have played hours of Guitar Hero. It is also extremely difficult to use the smaller buttons on the lower half of the guitar neck. The drums are very exciting to play, I haven't yet found one thing to annoy drum users. It is very stable and sturdy. The only weak-point is probably the kick-pedal for the base drum. If you give that a good stomp, it may as well break in half. Be careful with the mic, my friends was broken when he opened the box. The mic is very well built though, but internally the hardware doesn't respond and you may have to take it back to get a new one. 8.5/10

Rock Band was very enjoyable for the short hours I have played it. If you liked the guitar hero series and you want to play with some friends. You may want to pick this up.

Now is it really worth $170?
Yes, I believe so. When all of these pieces of hardware connect and harmonize together it brings about fairies in the air that want to whisper in your ear and hold you until your heart comes to a stop.