Rock Band Review - The Goods and Bads

User Rating: 9.5 | Rock Band X360
Rock Band has got to be the #1 best game to play with your friends, family, and just about anywhere. Though there are many goods about this game there are bads. The drum set could have been made a bit better, the harder you strike it the more chance you have of it breaking and the tops popping off. Also the pedal cannot stand intense stomping to much or it will break! If you do buy this game I suggest using a Guitar Hero guitar or a guitar you can pick up somewhere. The strum bar on the Rock Band guitar is pretty nice at first, but after a few weeks it will wear out and make it harder to strum. Also the prices are a bit high if your wanting additional songs. The price of just 1 song equals up to about 2 dollars. f you got every song on X-Box live that could add up to over 75$. But although there are many bads, I highly suggest buying this game. Use the tips I provided and you'll be fine. Thanks for looking at my review.
