Great fun and exceptional skill development.
The 9.5 score I gave this game is NOT an average. Not all categories are equal so an average is not applicable.
Ease of use: 9
It is very easy to use the game. Playing the songs may be more challenging but the game itself guides you through how to use the game very efficiently. This is important as you are playing a real instrument not a plastic controller.
Instructional value: 9
This game revolves around teaching skills and techniques for playing guitar. It does not teach music theory or teach you how to read music. The focus on teaching skills and techniques is brilliant. I have been around guitarists my whole life. With the exception of those who are true masters of the guitar (extremely rare), guitarists tend to fall into niches. They excell at some skills and techniques while being weak to moderate in others. This game provides the ability for even highly skilled guitarists to hone weak points in their skill set. Yet it is still accessible to novice guitarists, this is extremely impressive.
Technique challenges provide specific practice and skill development centered on very specific techniques and skills. They allow for truely focusing on the development of these techniques.
Guitarcade is a games section in which you play mini games to improve or maintain your skill level at fundamentals. These games can be very challenging as you progress through them.
Journey is the "career mode" of the game. It will be reviewed later, but it is also part of the insctructional aspect of the game. As such, it presents an exceptional platform for practicing the techniques and skills integrated into numerous songs.
Perhaps the best part of the instructional value is immediate feedback. You know instantly if what you are doing is right or wrong. Correcting mistakes in a timely manner allows for learning far more rapidly. As most people know, learning wrong then unlearning and relearning is time consuming and frustrating.
Graphics: 9
The graphics are nearly perfect for this game. Don't mistake what I am saying. There is nothing spectacular about the graphics, they aren't amazing or groundbreaking. What they do is focus on the notes and skills coming down the fret board. When playing shows there is a crowd, they do wave, jump, and cheer. The crowd does not interfere with your focus on the notes you need to play, and that is well thought out. My only dislike is that along the sides of the fret board evaluation of your playing will pop up, however it is faint, so you really can't read what you have done right or wrong very well.
Sound: 8
Surprisingly good. I was concerned about the sound quality in this game. After all, music is an art who's medium is sound. Don't expect this game to equal high end guitar, amp, and pedals. This game does provide very good sound quality though.
Journey (career mode): 7
As you earn points in the game, you unlock new venues to play in. And an "Event Manager" schedules the venues in a progressive manner. By using the Event Manager you can also modify your play lists. Beware, when modifying a play list it will put higher requirements on any songs you insert. This mode pushes you to utilize songs that you may not be familiar with. The positive aspect of this is that the song will often contain techniques and skills that are varied and provide an excellent opportunity to practice and hone those techniques and skills. The negative aspect is that some of the songs may not appeal to your musical tastes. As you progress through your Journey the qualifying requirements of songs will rise and the set lists will grow longer.
Song list: 8
The song list is quite varied in style and taste. You will find songs you like and know. You will likely find songs that are new to you and you end up really liking. You will also encounter songs that even after playing, you will never like. The DLC does allow you to add songs you like to the list and that can really help to keep the game fresh and avoid songs that you just can't find a way to like. Most importantly the songs have a wide variety of skills and techniques that will help develop your guitar skills.
Fun: 10
This game is flat out fun. Varied activities keep it fresh. The immediate feedback verifies that your skills are improving, minimizing frustration. My father always tells his students that if they play even as little as 20 minutes everyday they will improve. On this game, I am now playing 1 to 2 hours everyday. There is no feeling that I am doing a chore in practicing, I am just having fun (as a beginner your fingers will not stand up to more than 20 to 30 minutes per day, but as the calluses build you will not be limited).
I would highly recommend this game to anyone interested in guitar. Skills and techniques will improve. Regardless of skill level there is always room to have fun.