Played until my fingers bled.....
The mini game modes are another excellent addition to this game where you can improve slide, chords, fretting, scales...etc. and not have the "boredom" of plucking away trying to learn these techniques. You are playing a simplified mini game and learning better guitar technique... you cant beat that.
The AMP mode is also a surprise... and the preset tones and pedals (which you have to earn) sound really amazing even through just my HDTV. You can purchase the presets instead of earning them through the ingame store but I think earning them will give you and I something to shoot for whilst we improved our guitar ablities. You can also unlock guitars as well though I am not sure where this comes in to play... maybe just another thing to shoot for while playing.
Also the note chart can be set to standard or tablature type. Standard being low E at top of the chart and high e at bottom. Strings on the screen are different colors and thicknesses so it is easy to tell whichever option you choose.
Graphics wise it is pretty bland but you wont really spend too much time seeing it because you are so busy watching the fretboard onscreen and off. Sound wise its what you would expect. I love after playing a song it will show the song again but with you playing and you can spend time seeing if you were early, late, missed a note...etc.
My only gripe is the initial lag... which you wont notice alot until the playback after your song. It can be adjusted but might take a few song playthroughs. Wearing my headphones directly connected to the Xbox eliminated this and i am sure connecting the sound directly to a stereo will also eliminate it.
I could go on forever but I still have more playing and learning to do. So, if you honestly want to learn guitar or you are a moderate player who wants to improve some techniques and maybe learn a few new songs along the way this game is definitely for you. If you already have a guitar, you can save on having to buy the guitar bundle, but the Epiphone Les Paul Jr. is certainly not a bad beginner guitar.. and the $199 for the guitar bundle is a great startup. It seems though that my Les Paul and Gretsch Jet will be getting a workout for awhile until I master this game and hopefully this great game will help me master the fretboard.