Quite possibly the best-made sports game ever in regrads to the real life experience compared to game-play replica.
Gameplay - Excellent. No (yes I said no) glitches makes it Superb from the beginning and then they wow you some more. You have options of Topspin, Backspin, Leftspin and Rightspin. Also, in addition to that, you simultaneously have direction control with the Left Stick. That means if you press Topspin, you can also aim the position of the ball towards the end of your opponents side of the table. Along with those, you have what is called the charge ability, which means you can hold Topspin in and the longer you hold it in before the ball gets to you, you can put more power on it for your return. You also can tell which type of spin your opponents are putting on the ball by the clever color coordination feature on the ball. There's much, much more, but this isn't a game guide so....
Graphics - Truly, the screenshots on the internet and even in the game's opening video do not do it justice. The action in-game visuals are amazing. I have an HDTV, so it looks unreal, but even with the HD off, it is probably the best looking game on the 360 bar none. If you were waiting for Next Gen (even though there's GRAW, Oblivion and FN3), it has officially arrived and is surprisingly 39.99 only.
Sound - Great. You can hear the grunts and groans of the players, the fans in the seats, the either soft sound of a gentle serve or the high pitched crackle of a hard hit. This type of game doesn't give the developers a big chance to add captivating sounds, but that doesn't mean we should dock the score right. Simply put, every sound that you would hear at a real ping pong game, you'll hear in Table Tennis.
Value - Unmatched. It's an extremely fun experience with next gen quality that only cost a mere 39.99 instead of 59.99. If you like sports games or not is not the question. There really isn't any question. If you have a 360, this is a mandatory buy.