One of the Great games on the PS2!!

User Rating: 9.4 | Rogue Galaxy PS2
Like i said a few months ago when i talked about this game, is aid it would be good, i was right. Though it wount mack the PS3 games online play it has none, or the grphcs, it does look great though. Level 5 is a great developer i have always loved there games, they just seem to get better. Well lets get in to it. The game difficulty is a little easy once you learn how to use the systems. You can almost winm every battle with Jasters Desert wind LV.2. But they also have a hunter system where you have to beat a certain mount(usually 25or 30 of the each kind of monster in the area. You are trying to become number one whitch is quit a challeng you start ate one hundred with like 20000 pints and have to get over 300000 to become #1. There are also a weapon synthisising frog and a factory to create items. Everything about the games are fun leveling up charecters and weapons to creating new weapons and items. The graphics are cell shaded but they are beautiful and look great. Music is fun and never gats to old. IT will take a couple hours to get the complete game under control. Plus they introduce new stuff throughout the game. The charecters are done well. The styles are neet and the voice overs are right one . Over all this is a great game to add to any RPGers collection. Or for someone to try out. It is a really fun game to play and will take you a good 50 or more hours to beat it even more if you do everything there is to do. The one complaint i have is the chrecter customization is complicated you have to find items to put in slots, to get abilities. There is no player custimaization as far as the charecters go they just level up and ger more HP/MP/ POWER. But still i loved the game