Hmmm... surprisingly good. It won't change ur life, but it's a fine rpg adventure and it looks fantastic for a ps2 game.

User Rating: 8 | Rogue Galaxy PS2
Rogue Galaxy is very pretty for a ps2 game. It levels well, and by and large it's a very traditional japanese built game of the genre. then it starts to get different. the action/menu combat mechanics seem really awkward at first. strangely though, after about two hours you really start to get a hang of how combat is intended to work. the extremely long-winded tutorials get old really fast, but once you get to learn the system, it's very easy to adopt...and strangely familiar overall.

you realize pretty quick that the old fashioned farming techniques work just as well as they did back in final fantasy 7. you have randomly genrated enemies, save spots that heal instantaneously, and traditional shops to buy all your goodies. so feel free to train up early and often.

some new mechanics add nifty bonuses too. they have a grid setup for new abilities similar to the one in final fantasy 10. it comes from random objects won in combat and stuff you buy st shops. additionally there's a toad that eats and mixes weapons into new weapons for you. don't ask. platforming elements (even in combat) round out some of the cooler new facets of the game.

finally there are bunches of groovy unlockables, and a well realized set of worlds and environments to explore. definitely worth the last gen discount pricing.