A must-have game for any RPG fan!!!
one day a chance came by,a large monster attacked the town he was liveing in.he tried to help by fighting some monsters that came in with it when he met a strange hooded guy known only as"desert claw".
after fending some monster and for strange reasons,"desert claw"gave jaster a legendary sword called "desert seeker" and went off. soon after,two strange charecters saw jaster with the sword and thought he was "desert claw" and said that they wanted to recruit him to join there party of space pirates,jaster saw it as a chance and went along with it and thats where our hero`s adventure begins.
the game-play consist of pressing the X buttonfor the main weapon(sword) and the [ ] button for the sub-weapon(gun),the abilities are activated with a revelation flow similar to FF-X`s sphere grid and FF-XII`s licence board where you have to insert certin items in the slots to activate and learn new abilities with some being activated in Battle and some being automatically active like "HP up" and as you get more charecters you can change witch on being player-.controlled.also this game offerers the "combine"command witch you get later in the game that allows combining weapons to crate even stronger ones that you normally cant find in a store.
there are also a good number of sub-quests and minigames like the "Battle
Recorder"for hunts like in FF-XII and the "Insectoron" where you have to capture and raise insectrons to fight and win in several tournaments in the insectoron stadium.
as for the characters,they are:
1)-Jaster: the hero of the game,a kind- hearted guy with sense of Justice,his life have changed since he became a space pirate.
2)-Kisala:a young girl who`s father "dorgengoa"is the leader of the pirate ship the"dorgenark".....the ship that jaster is traveling with.
3)-Simon:a guy with a funny accent,he and steve spotted jaster on Rosa and asked him to join the pirates.
4)-steve:A robot with an (AI) equaling that of a human,he and simon spotted jaster on Rosa and asked him to join the pirates.
5)-Zegram:a lone wolf who takes orders from no one and seems to joined the pirate crew before jaster,he seems to have an agenda of his own.
6)-Lilika:a tribes-women who was living among a tribe called" Burkaqua" she looks and acts like a tribes-women,Joins the party after an incident in the planet of Juraika. 7)-Jupis:an Aline from the planet zerard who joins the party after a certain incident,he is a guineas who uses a spear and some flying Saucers(o_O) as a weapon.
8)-Deego:a man\dog from the planet Veden who has a big heart matching his size,once in the military,he wasted his life in taverns after the war has ended until he met with Jaster and company.
the game provide a sold story and a more classic action-RPG game-play,this game is similar to some other action-RPG games like dark cloud and well be enjoyable to both amateur gamers and pros alike.