Level 5 has done it again
Roque galaxy is a beautiful and entertaining game taking place in nicely rendered enviroments. There are well-balanced characters in terms of their abilities and to play with them is enjoyable. The weopan custimization is easy and unique and just because you don't have to do anyting extra like travelling other worlds to get it fused you want to involve. The graphics are bright so it's a stylish Level 5 game basically. There are couple things I had problem with. Firstly, you have to rely on healing and ressurrection items so badly that even in the middle of the dungean you have to teleport back to a shop. In some dungeons you might use 15 resurrection botlles and 20 healing items, on the other hand since money is easy to come you don't care if you used too many. Secondly, I felt that there needs to be more areas and worlds or in this case planets to be visited.
Overall this is a great game and in 30 minutes It makes you to praise Level 5.