Rogue galaxy was an amazing game for about two hours... then some of it's problems began to show
its not that the game is repetitive story wise
its just the dungeons are unattractive.... actually the towns and cities arent to good either.... most of the game is spent in dungeons and such and thats the problem.... yes you should be in a dungeon a good amount of the time in rpg's but the dungeons in this game are ugly.... you don't even want to be in them for more than 20 minutes... everything looks the same ... you can be in 2 completely different areas of a temple or forest and have nooo idea where you are....i found myself getting lost just because i ran into a battle and got flipped around... there is a map but sometimes it's just hard to tell anyways because it's a bunch of the same thing reused in different places... not only are they ugly but they are way to long
they dragged these dungeons on horribly... even if they were attractive they would be to long so it makes it even worse... just to give you an idea they are as big as mmorpg dungeons should be... which are only fun because they are online
also it might just be me (i doubt it) but loosing health fast is a normal thing when battling.... and your group wont heal themselves unless you set the "strategy" to "go all out" which then they will constantly use abilities and items at will.... i had to set my group to that through the whole game because healing on your own gets insanely old and feels like every 3 seconds you have to heal giving not much time to concentrate on fighting.... i guess it wasn't a problem for me but it seems odd that it was so often healing was needed and your expected to heal your party by yourself on the other strategies
enough bagging though now i would like to say what kept me into the game and made it a great game i really enjoyed
besides the battle system being fun over all what really made me love this game was the characters
it seems the developers put so much effort into all the characters in the game that they were lazy on the rest
not only are their a great variety of personalities
they are all very lovable with great voice acting with tons of humor
that part of the game was just done extremely well and if everything els was worked on equally this game would have easily been in my top 5 list of RPG's
the characters make it to where i have to recommend this game highly even with it's flaws
i find it to be a must play for that reason alone