For 10 bucks you can't get a better deal!
After walking into work and seeing that they had put in video games, I decided to check through em (I work at a local dollar store). The only ones that interested me were Taito Legends, Matrix Path of Neo, and Rogue Trooper. After getting my daily pay and grabbing a copy of Rogue I went home to play it. I have to say, Its so much better than what I've heard.
In Rogue Trooper you play as the GI (Genetic Infantryman) Rogue. He and his team of 4 are deployed to fight the Norts of Nu-Earth. When they get down though, Rogues teammates are killed one at a time. The first to go is the cocky, but very cool, Gunnar. After cutting his personality chip out, he gets installed into your rifle. After being installed Gunnar can now turn into a turret and will auto target. The second to go is the ever-so useful Bagman. When he dies you install him into your backpack. There he manufactures upgrades and makes ammo and health kits for you. However to make these things, he requires Salvage. Getting it is easy, Kill enemies, raid dead bodies of comrades, or simply pick it up from junk piles. All of this goes toward making your upgrades, ammo, new weapons, and new grenades. The third to go is Helm. He gets installed into your helmet and will help you spot enemies and hack doors. Now that they are a team again Rogue seeks to avenge his friends and his fellow GI's deaths. He goes out on a Nort killing spree to find out who issued the attack on his unit. The story is surprisingly deep, and it leaves it wide open to a sequel.
Don't believe the reviewers who say the game isn't good. This is the perfect game for anyone who has 10 bucks sitting around and wants a good game to sit down and play.
Pros: Great combat, cool mixture of all out shooting and stealth, Rather deep story, Could be a sequel.
Cons: A bit too short, Some won't like the way it controls.