Rogue trooper is a great third person shooter that is definately worth checking out.
User Rating: 9 | Rogue Trooper PS2
Rogue trooper is based off a comic called rogue trooper.In the game you play as rogue who is off to fight a war with your other GI comrades but when going to war you are betrayed by one of your own and most of the GI die but you and some others.So you will go across Nu earth to find the traitor general who was resposible for the GIs deaths and kill him.The gameplay here is take cover and shoot which is pretty fun.Though the game ends pretty quickly in about 7-8 hours.The graphics are nice with great level design.The score is great and add on some good voice acting and your good.The game also has multiplayer which defanetaly needs to be improve.There are only two modes to play on in multiplayer which one involves you getting from start of the level to the end of the level.The other has you defending a base for a certain amount of time.Both modes can be played online but its hard to find anyone online anyway.The game needed to be longer and needs to have a better multiplayer mode but other than that its pretty good and should be bought for under 30$.