Rogue Trooper is a good third -person shooter. Not the best out there but its worth a rental. But it's fairly cheap so just buy it if you can. Check out the bargain bins at your local game store. The length of the game itself is decent, not too short. The storyline is pretty good, except the character backgrounds aren't that clear. You also have a fairly large array of equipment you can use to destroy your enemies.There are ragdoll physics in this game which always make killing your enemies more fun! The ending leaves this game wide open for a sequel, but I haven't heard anything about a Rogue Trooper sequel so i'll just have to keep hoping. The levels look decent. The controls are ok, but when you have a hundred guys firing at you, it can get a bit frustrating to move your character around the battlefield. There isn't a lot of variety in terms of enemies. you'll often find yourself facing the same enemies over and over again. The cutscenes are ok. They could have increased the amount of extras and bonuses to increase the replay value of this game. All in all, this is a pretty good game and you should try to pick up a copy of Rogue Trooper at your local gamestore.
Every once in a while a game comes along and suprises me and this was certainly one of them. It must be over 20 years since I last read the Rogue Trooper comic strip in the 200AD comic series. Those were the days youn... Read Full Review
RT is a great 3rd person shooter from Eidos,i believe it will be a classic,great way to deliver what i think is the greatest action shooter of 2006. You are rogue trooper,on Nu-earth planet,a placed trapped somewhere ... Read Full Review