Though short, R.T. is a very fun, challenging & engaging game (contains spoilers)
Rogue Trooper is your basic third person shooter complete with the standard behind-the-back camera angle. In this game you get two guns - a fully customizable but very weak assault rifle (by this I mean you attach a shotgun, sniper rifle, mortar launcher, rocket launcher, and laser beam onto it) and the useful-but-weak sidearm of a handgun. You can run, dive/roll, climb, throw 'nades, jump over obstacles, hug walls for cover, and do stealth kills. The stealth kills are pretty cool, you walk up to an unsuspecting Nort and stab them in the throat or rip off their breathing tubes and let them suffocate gaining an instant kill. There is a multiplayer, both online and off, but its kinda lame so I'm not gonna review it.
Back to the assault rifle. Gunnar can be placed as a turret which is VERY useful to watch your back, or help you take down hordes of enemies. Also, he can be silenced with a silencer for stealthy kills.
What seperates this game from other TPS games is the fact that you have to use your backpack to manage your inventory. Your inventory includes ammo, health packs, and grenades. Bagman, one of your buddies whose brain chip is in your backpack, can create ammo & grenades for you, as well as create & upgrade weapons for you depending on how much salvage you have. Salvage is what you pick up from dead bodies (both Souther and Norts) and found in junk piles around the levels. Consider this as your currency if you would. Its a bit confusing at first, but you'll get it down fast.
The graphics are pretty good for the most part, with only a few places seeming to be a bit...hmm...N64 fuzzyish? The characters are very well detailed, especially the GIs who have 6-pack abs. All the enemies and ships and emplacements all look really creative and unique. The levels & enviroments are especially good, everything is detailed and you can actually see battles taking place in the background.
Musically speaking, Rogue Trooper lacked. But the sound effects easily made up for it. The guns sound very brutal (...even though most of 'em are weak), the voice acting is really good & humorus at times (most notably Gunnar's famous line, "COME HERE NORTY!!") and the explosions are truley superb and are ear shattering.
Sadly though the ride doesn't last too long and you'll probably have this game beat within roughly 4-6 hours, and the ending isn't really worth all the trouble of the last level - The Southers blow up a building where Rogue is fighting off Nort troops and a traitorus Souther general. When Rogue survives the explosion and comes face to face with the brass who ordered the bombarding, Rogue is tempted to kill him as are his buddies in his equipment. He lets the Souther guy live, and flys off into the sunset. Souther troops begin inspecting the rubble of the building and find the traitorus general, but they dont know hes a traitor and help him up..hence setting up for a Rogue Trooper 2.
This game was really well made, very fun, had a deep story, and was decently priced at $30 beans. I suggest if you are still clinging to your "last gen" systems like I am, Rogue Trooper is a true gem that you hafta play.