this game have many things new it's very cool
actully this game is very better than the others and it have many new things and strange strategies like if there are many enymes you can but your machinegun on the ground and it automaticly fire at the enymes and you fire too with the pistol.and the are also a silencer and that is an old tecnec.
after all this game is very cool in the wepones it's only one wepon and you can change it into many other wepons like gernade launcher and bazooka and shotgun and an electric wepon.
you have also many kind of gernades. one for the enemys (the normal gernade) and you have a gernade make a magnetic field to damge the machinse and the planes . and there are also a flame gernade and there are one last i dunno what it for .
at least this game is very kool and i advise every one who loves the action and the adventure to buy it .