OMG this is bad
User Rating: 1 | Rogue Warrior PC
After reading several reviews of Rogue Warrior, I knew it was going to be bad but I had no idea. In the game, you play Dick Marcinko, a solider based off a real life solider, and are stopping terrorists from destorying the world. You could look over the cheesy story if the game was actually good but that is not the case. Mickey Rourke wastes his talents voicing the most foul mouthed character in a game to date. Not to mention that the visuals are also dated. Almost everything about this game is bad from the bad gliches to the boring gears of war knock-off based cover system gameplay. AI is terrible, you can walk right in front of enemies half the time and they will not even notice you. You can perform quick upclose kills on enemies, and the creaters of the game couldn't even get that part right. It feels overpowered and does not reward the player with enough to each terrible way to kill an enemy. Thankfully the game only lasts 2 hours and limited multiplayer makes the game almost not worth someone's time. For a game that was priced at full price of $60, this not a game to buy or even rent for 2 hours to complete. This absolute garbage and I only wished the scale could go to 0 because this game earned it. 1/10