Don't expect alot or keep expectations down and you may be pleasantly surprised
Firstly the plot, well don't expect much in terms of sophistication or extravagant twists its a typical anti-terriorist unit having to go on a assignment in trying to uncover the plans and well lets not spoil the general story just keep the plot on the the minor backdrop as an excuse to slash someone's genitals. It does feel somewhat disconnected and could be much more refined but thats possibly due to the short nature of this game that they had to skip or cut out some of the process to make it acceptable. Also you never really feel in a emotional bond with your character their is two major reasons as to this. The majority of the comments from this protagonist (Richard Marcinko) contains lots of offensive and vulgar language i personally did not find it offensive but the more younger gamers and easily offended should be warned. Others may find some of the lines humorous and you can tell that it was trying its extreme to make you go wow with the amount of bad language within this game. The other reason is not much character development, the short length of this game might of contributed to this. You understand this character and his motive to completing the assignment but it never really excels from that.
Now the audio, the audio within this game is at a standard affair with majority of the weapons. They all sound appropriate and the assault rifles all feel like they have weight to them and when the bullets hit a surface you hear the suitable sounds. Grednades however are a dissapointment and initial explosions are rather lackluster, it never had a real impact only on some occassions where i was not dissapointed with it (particularly the set-pieces). The voice acting and other audio features in this game are superb, the music is correct with the locations its set in however it usually consists of ambience with the usual instrumental effects added in, its never memorable or makes you get engaged onto that piece of music however its not poor and are actually decent at contributing to the atmosphere. The credits i like to mention has a section of music but with a remix of Mickey Rouke's voice acting which is not remarkable but worth a listen.
In addition to that is the visuals, the visuals are in a standard affair within multiplatform games. It could be improved dramatically on some aspects but its not an eyesore for example their is some flat textures on some enviroments that makes the general theme to the game inconsistent where you have one area with high resolution textures with remarkable reflections then going to a drab piece of scenery which makes you look away. The lighting is a highlight though within this game, its all dynamic so you can shoot the lighting and it will react but braking which does actually have an effect to the gameplay some areas that might of looked mediocre gets a new shine literally with the great lighting. My biggest dissapointment however is the explosions and fire, they are basically 2D designs which does look underwhelming it has improved compared to Rebellion's last game (ShellShock 2:Blood Trails) but they were abysmal on ShellShock from the start so thats one area they need to improve apon as some of the set-pieces while still deliver a solid amount could of been so much more with just some better explosions.
Presentation could is well a rather unremarkable affair, it does feel unpolished and could still use work, its largely generic but it being based of a real book i would of thought would have more references to it or so i would thought unless it was just me being a poor observer i did not find any clear referals to the book or that this was actually based on a real individual other than the title. The actor Mickey Rouke is certainly a positive feature though wheather it was really neccessary for him to do it is debatable however he does gets the job done. But at the same time even with its rather unoriginal presentation it does have a semi-unique feel to it.
Finally gameplay, the gameplay is not original or a blanant copy of a another video game it takes the conventions of other games and put it into the gameplay with its own more minor features for example the lighting while i think its been done before has actually been made into a real gameplay feature that affects the enemy's vision i tested it multiple time shooting lights out and it does work even with its mostly dumb A.I they usually stand there looking like they don't know what happened or blindly fire in your direction which results in less hits than going in full force at your opponent in the light. The general shooting mechanics work well its got iron sights for better aim and the usual crosshair to quickly fire at your foes, its engaging and doesn't become tiresome in standard playthroughs. What is put into this game though for variety is a cover system which could of been executed better but fundementally works. If you played Rainbow Six Vegas its similar to that but with less recoil, alot less in fact its amazing that recoil isn't really apparent in this game the accuracy for when firing long bursts is there but not recoil. But a great feature is so satifisying is the brutal meelee kills you can intiate, it can be enviromental or the usual affair of killing bare hands/knife it hardly gets tiresome and the brutality of it makes you want to repeat it again and again and again and so on. Its does feel unpolished largely as a whole but the conventions are there and whats there is enjoyable.
Overall its a genuinely fun action game that doesn't get repetitive due to the different features at the works here i would mention online but i ain't played much of it but what i have played i enjoyed just their is not much of a community yet possibly due to it not being out in america or its just poorly sold. The negatives however are the shortness of the game, some dumb A.I and plot that could be improved but positives are enjoyable shootouts, brutal gameplay, two styles of stealth and action, variety of level design. The major problem is that this is released at a period where big blockbuster games are released. i already played alot of them so this was a nice little treat to play.