The only thing Rogue about this game is the price i was charged.
You learn early on that his language is more lethal then any bullet and although i normally don't mind foul language being used Dick.. does nothing else for no apparent reason other then to make himself look/sound like a..dick. This brings nothing to the game what-so-ever and if it was removed the game would drop in the age rating to 12 or lower.
From hear on you are left feeling like ..Dick.. wants to be a hip Sam Fisher with verbal attitude. He can shoot out lights to hide his approach although this generally does not work as the enemy AI always seem to know which direct you are. As for shooting out light to cause a diversion.. again the above applies. Your sneak ability only seems to work at the beginning of a mission where you will only be able to use it once or twice although there was one occasion where i was able to take 4 guards out but that was down to stupid AI. Once you have been detected any chance of stealth goes write out the window and from then on it is all guns ablazing.
The missions are very, very short with you being able to complete one within 10 minutes or so. I played the game on the hardest level and it was miserable, it was so easy you could have played blindfolded and it would not have made much difference. I hate to think what it would have been like if i took the easy level, 2 or 3 enemy soldiers per level perhaps? unfortunately i have better things to do then play the game again... like having my teeth extracted with pliers while being forced to watch eastenders played in reverse.
All in, i finished the game in less then 5 hours and am still trying to understand what i have just wasted £25 on. I mean, Left 4 Dead 2 £26.99, Operation Flashpoint £17.99, Red Faction Guerrilla £22.99, Resident Evil 5 £17.99 and the list goes on. All these games lasted longer then Rogue Warrior and all have replayable value written all over them. £25 for a game that does nothing other then spew foul language to cover a very bad storyline, and missions that are shorter then a trip to the toilet.
The transition from mission to mission just happens there are no links in either missions as to were you need to go other then ...Dick... informing his boss. Dick travels light, while the natives of North Korea and Russia are all wrapped up in warm clothes.. Dick.. travels through the winterland just wearing a short sleeve shirt, braving the harsh winters of Korea and Russia by traveling on the outside of a train without even breaking an icicle, this guy tries to be so smooth and cool (or warm) that it's untrue. He even takes a swim in the frozen Baltic Ocean without even flinching.
All in all this game sucks, Bethesda should be ashamed of themselves. If you have not already purchased this game don't, wait untill it reaches the bargain bin or the 3 games for a tenner or you could even wait until steam puts it out as a special for a few quid but whatever you do do not pay full price for it.