An awlful game

User Rating: 1 | Rogue Warrior PC
This game looked disappointing from the get-go and Bethesda has not changed that assumption. The initial game's review is spot on in every aspect; I particularly hated the dated graphics, awful animation, and near constant video stuttering every 2 seconds.

I'm old enough not to get offended by some bad language but when it comes spewing out every minute, it becomes incredibly tiring; I can only think that the developers were lazy and inept so they thought to cover their incompetence with bad dialog. To add insult to injury, the graphics aren't pretty and while you think you can stealth, don't bother for the enemy AI is too stupid…just walk up to the mob and kill him!

It seems that a lot of games in the past year have been extremely disappointing in their content, story line, graphics, and other areas. I can't imagine why Bethesda, who has delivered some interesting titles in the past, thought they could pass off this piece of crap so easily, and at full price!

Don't waste your time or money on this game!