Rogue Warrior succeeds in reminding you why other titles are so great.
This is because Rogue Warrior, unlike a good game, has absolutely not one positive aspect to it. I'll attempt to keep the length and carnage low in this review but quite honestly there is so much wrong with the game that I don't even know how to fit it all in.
In Rogue Warrior you play the role inspired by a real-life ex-special forces soldier. If the real life guy is anything at all like the game guy then I'm not sure I like him much either. This is because the game's character is a complete moron. He's all brute, no brains, and is a sporadic cussing machine. Voiced over by, a mostly likely drunk, Mickey Rourke, and cussing usually more than half the time, this character only knows how to shoot and kill rather than plan or think. Forget about the important aspect of caring about your character. You may very well want to put the game's unlimited-ammo pistol to your character's head and pull the trigger.
I don't want to bore you too much with the story. Its a common story of stolen nukes, blah blah blah, and it will bore you to death.
Before getting into gameplay let's talk about Mickey Rourke's voice. Who the hell casted him as the voice? His voice is horrible and creepy and is the last voice I would ever associate with anything heroic. He sounds drunk, depressed, tired and more monotone than Ben Stein. Now that I think of it, Ben Stein would've been a much better choice. Your character simply cusses, cusses, and cusses some more and even cusses when sneaking up on the enemy. In fact he yells the F word at the top of his lungs as he, uhm, stealthily sneaks around. I'm not sure if it was a joke on the paying public but the developers of this game definately pulled a fast one on us with using Mickey Rourke and having him do what he does.
So how about some gameplay mechanics in this review... Ok, here goes. Hold on I'm thinking. Let's see... Was there any real gameplay in this game? I'll try my best. First of all the enemy AI is non-existent. Literally. They basically stand around or move along extremely linear paths. They have no sense of surrounding and you can RUN FULL SPEED at them without them detecting you. The game likes to call it being stealth but the only thing stealth about it is that you're not screaming and cursing while running at them. Ah, my mistake, you actually are! So no, there is nothing stealth at all about it. They simply have no ability to know you're there. The only way any enemies MIGHT react is hearing gunfire as their comrade gets killed but don't worry that usually doesn't happen either.
The best display in enemy AI development is their reaction when you alert them to your presence. Forget the fact that you have to blatantly alert them or they'll never know, let's just talk about their reaction. It's priceless to watch a flood of enemies come storming towards you to kill you but - great news - they've decided to run past you! Yay, you're still alive. All you need to do is turn around and shoot them in the back as they keep running. Problem solved!
Some enemies die from one shot, some take more than a clip. It's actually entertaining to take a guess at how many bullets will be needed to kill the next enemy.
Drumroll.... I'm giving credit where credit is due: There is a cover system in the game. Yes, the elusive cover system that is needed in all modern shooters yet is missing in Modern Warfare 2 actually exists in this horrible game. So why am I not caring much that it exists? Because cover is for stealth and heated situations and if you use cover in this game you'll just sit there lonely wishing enemies were actually smart enough to look for you or to engage in a firefight.
Breathe easy, you're almost in the clear, because the campaign is only an hour and a half long. That estimate is generous and assumes the player forces themselves to use stealth since, in reality, they can run full speed and still be considered stealth.
The graphics are from 2005 at best.
Multiplayer is better than single player so you and the three other people that play it online can all play together.
I did not buy the game. My friend read the bad reviews and bought it simply for the humor of a horrible game so I was lucky enough to play and finish it on his computer. If you dare spend money on this game then I will spend money on finding you and asking you face to face, "What the hell were you thinking?". For its price you could buy one of the many popular shooters out there that are actually real games with real campaigns and real multiplayer mode. I see no way someone could end up with this game without being out of their minds.
There must be SOMETHING that can make me, and us, feel better about wasting our time with this? Here are some valid points to help you sleep better:
1. No matter what people say about you, you actually don't cuss much compared to others, and this game proves it.
2. If you don't like Mickey Rourke then I've got great news: His career is over and there is no bigger proof than this game.
3. People that ran out of military shooters to play then smile because here is one for you to play. Sort of.
4. Every small annoyance with other shooters, like Modern Warfare 2, all of a sudden seems like no big deal at all.
The Verdict: 1/10... It's horrible in all aspects. The 1 point is because the developer managed to spell its name correctly on the box.
Pros: None.
Cons: The game.