abomanation !!!
The only mildly amusing thing in the entire game is perhaps the voice of mickey Roarke . It is its most standout feature in my book. It was finished in 1 hour and 10 minutes !! And cost 40 euro's in my case !!! I returned it to the shop and complained to the teller how he dared to sell such an abomination to the general public and i should report it to the health inspector !!! The game play is run and gun in a straight line and even that is'nt worked out. it's a rush job al the way !! It shows that it had 11 months in development and that rebellion did nothing to improve the game. I now completely understand why they did'nt spent any press money on this ! They knew it was crap and released it anyway !! this game is so bad,the bargain bin is far to good for this piece of monkey crap !!
I rest my case ........