Avoid it unless you are doing research on crappy games.

User Rating: 1 | Rogue Warrior X360
I was looking forward to this game at one time. It was supposed to be a tactical shooter (like Gears of War or Rainbow 6) but somewhere along the line it turned into a FPS. It was rented for $4.99 from Blockbuster because I was curious. Bethesda, "The Rogue Warrior" himself & Mickey Rourke are associated w/ the game. It had a lot of potential. Guess it looked better on paper than the finished product.

If this is going to be the first in a series as an alternative to the Tom Clancy series of games, then the publisher has a LOT of work ahead of them. The game is set in the 80's, the game feels like it was made in the 80's. The environments aren't very detailed, the A.I. on my 360 Avatar is more intelligent than the game. An example, the very first part of the game, you cross a courtyard to enter a building. 3-4 guards on the ground, 3-4 guards on the foyer near the door, outside. If you take out everyone in the courtyard then rush the door. There are 2 guards on the far left that won't engage you. You can hear someone talking. You have to be in line of sight before they engage you, that's just poor programming.

If you play the game on casual or veteran, there seems to be no difference in game play. If you have ever played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, then this game would be incredibly easy for you and should be avoided unless you are a glutton for **** games.

It would make a good case study for game programmers & designers in school of what NOT to do. In fact, it looks as though it might be a student final project for their portfolio not a polished game from a developer for the Microsoft Xbox 360 game system. At best, it's worse than mediocre for this day and age.

Avoid it unless you are doing research on crappy games.