One of the worst games.. ever made.. this game was probably made back in 1995, but Bethesda forgot to release it.

User Rating: 1.5 | Rogue Warrior PS3
At first, you may say 'Oh cool, I like the Melee kills' but after you will be like 'Oh my god, no way'. Yes, this is truly a disappointment. This game looks like an Oblivion Mod, all characters were edited, and put into a different time!

The graphics look pretty terrible and the AI is even worse. If you keep restarting the level, you will see the enemies doing nothing but the same thing, they stand in the same position, 'tis all.

This game is extremely short and is certainly not worth the money, only buy it if you are a trophy hunter.

Rogue Warrior should be an arcade game which should be sold at $20 or so.

There is nothing else to say really, in overall, all you may like is the voice acting and the melee kills. That's what gave the rating an extra .5.

Better luck next time, Bethesda, maybe make a sequel to Oblivion!