When the publisher of a title game are prefer not to send the press for fear of poor scores,

User Rating: 2 | Rogue Warrior X360
you know that there is something going on. Rogue Warrior But that would be so incredibly bad, even me had not foreseen.

Developer Rebellion must fear for its survival and Bethesda, where the nerve gets gore this game full-priced stores in the present, is a mystery.
One hour and three quarters! This is the time that the single player campaign lasts Rogue Warrior. I am not a demo or a preview code with a few levels but the final retail version of a game. A game that some retailers shamelessly between 40 and 60 euro should cost. The region is the sewing of the year. The game is not worth tenner!

Rourke sliding
Rogue WarriorHet handful of stubborn gamers that this game will actually play, takes the role of Navy SEAL Dick Marcinko Demo, grafted on an existing U.S. soldier with the same name.
Marcinko that in real life was one big rauwdouwer that many violent missions accomplished and wagon loads army fights distinctions together, we can read in various books of the man. But so simplistic, stupid and ridiculous as his past is portrayed here, is utterly implausible and totally obsolete. Compared with Rogue Warrior is a Rambo movie mean a profound philosophical treatise.
Demo Dick swears so at a stretch. That Mickey Rourke has lent his voice to this nonsense, is unintelligible. This **** cock sucker that, so **** goddamn it, **** like this and so it goes all the time on. However, 105 minutes is hardly a long time to call. Anyway, it is the pathetic off.
Eventually began to abuse the **** mush almost laughable in my work, until I was again reminded of the price that the game is to Bethesda.

Clone Soldiers without a.i.
Rogue WarriorEen logical story is missing. It is the 80s, Korea selling nuclear weapons and the Russians Head Dick Marcinko steps in, thats it. So you can totally linear, totally bald levels AI-free North Korean and Russian soldiers popping into the afterlife.
The picture and the animations so that stuttering is a sweet pleasure, and that while the Rogue Warrior silly explosions since most houses years.
Enemies, all of cloned brothers, are almost all with their backs to you so you can use context sensitive stealth move. This is the first time, five still nice, Marcinko plant a knife in the head of one victim and there over twenty variations, but you've also seen after ten minutes. It is also totally unnecessary.
Sometimes you shoot an enemy four times in his full mug, and he is not dead (but still does not make action), other times you shoot a bad guy in his foot and he falls to the earth to stop screaming to get up . For grenades will not run away and the enemy creates a bizarre pleasure in order to find cover behind explosive barrels. Sigh.
Oh yes, there is also a multiplayer ... no one currently playing. Why would you go online at bare levels where you just outdated deathmatch and team deathmatch can play without any kind of momentum?
No, Rogue Warrior is a gross waste of time and money.

Even if Xbox Live Arcade or PSN title was Rogue Warrior was a joke, let alone a full priced game. Rebellion should be deeply, deeply ashamed of this wanproduct.