A bad game with some interesting dialogue from micky rourke..

User Rating: 1.5 | Rogue Warrior X360
This game has horrible graphics and a horrible story. You are basically in korea or vietnam or whatever killing everything in sight. Micky Rourke's squad gets killed so you run around and gut people. The stab animations are good, but get annoying. The worst part about this game was the hit detection.. man is it bad and also the graphics look like an original xbox game and btw nobody plays the online in this game. I mean 0 making it a single player game online.. overall the dialogue is funny. if you are with some buddies you might get a kick out of this game just because the dialogue is so bad..... . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . sdf sd fsd f ds fe e f ew fw f wef ew few f wef ewf wef ew few f wef ewf ew few fwe grre g errt g rh jer ogojerg erj gre g regjreg oerg joergj og ergjoerg reg oerg er gre grejg reogeoe