Better than expected, shallow but fun, find bargain bin copy.
Sometimes you just want to run and gun a little, without a keyboards worth of controls to memorize and without a confusing story to wade through, and that is just what Rogue Warrior is. It is very shallow in depth of gameplay and options, and weapons, and options......pretty much shallow everywhere. It is still fun to play however. The graphics are ok, some decent shading and lighting throughout the game. Voice acting is pretty much laughable, what little of it there is. The biggest problem I found with the game is that it is WAY short. It took me about 2.5 hours to finish it on medium difficulty. If it had been longer it would have scored higher in my book. Still, if you can find it at a bargain price of less than $10 (I payed $1.99) then it is certainly worth the money.
To wrap it up, its fun, shallow, short, and looks decent doing it. Im glad I gave it a try.