As a fan of the first, I was quick to snatch this when I could... it didn't disappoint - immediately.
It's a bummer having only scenarios, scenarios, scenarios. What else to do but try and achieve the unachievable. If only you could have something simplier to start...
Fortunately, in RCT2 you can make your own scenarios! Select everything as available, give yourself unlimited cash, and make a goal so easy you don't have to be Donald Trump to get it down. Of course, 'the Don' (disturbing) is more likely to start a business in manufacture of cheese-flavored rugby balls than roller coasters. But it's a nice image. And you don't have to have the roadkill – I'm sorry, I meant 'haircut'.
But I digress. RCT2 doesn't have a lot more to offer than buying and building, but it's a great opportunity to unleash your creative side. Ever looked at the Deja Vu ride, or other big-scale ride and just thought, 'I can do better'? Well, now you can prove it! Build it, and if they like it better than your average 'Six Flags' ride, your in the business. Of course, you don't want to make it too boring (“I want to go on something more thrilling than Ride Name”) or too intense (“Ride Name looks too intense for me”). Even if you like all the loops, the speed may go overboard and get SUPER-INTENSE – the labels are in red and the guests jump a literal foot in the air and hurry away! You also want to make it exciting (this is separate from intensity – people may like bumper boats even if they're not intense) and not too nauseating – guests throw up, and you have to clean up! Fortunately, several guests, if not most, know their limits (just looking at Ride Name makes me sick) but for the most part, you need a Handyman.
Ahh, handymen. You need these, mechanics, security (got to keep 'em in line) and entertainers in (uncomfortable-looking) themed outfits. Ahh, the joy.
The real idea behind the game is be a successful businessman/woman, piling in the money and building up you dream. Of course, you don't have to be interested in that to have fun, you can just build up your dream outright.
It's better to have a little experience with this type of game before launching in. There is no detailed in-game help so after it's installed, look at the Manual first. Even if you've played the first (the controls are much the same), it's a good idea just to get back up to speed with the new environments.
Ideal for both the intellectual gamer, the newbie and the simulator-lovers alike, Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 is a game that most will enjoy, however long they last.