Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 is full of thrills, tough many flaws and a huge system hog which detracts from the game.

User Rating: 7.5 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 PC
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 is an amazing game. If you always wanted to build your dream amusment park but never had the money, time or patience to do it, then here is you chance with Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. From the slippery Bobsleih to the all - twisting all darring Giga coaster, there are many thrills and spills to be seen in this game.

However, despite the excitment and hype of being albe to build your dream park with all sorts of rides, atractions, terrain, tools right down to the finest detail there are many flaws which realy spoil the game. For instance, like is commenly seen and is noticeble is the "From Hot To Cold" in which were one ride can be red hot at one moment with many people queing and then in the next 5 minutes of so no one ever wants to go on it so you have to demolish it and rebuild a new one which can be a real shame. Tough this problem has been here with past Roller Coaster Tycoon games aswell, it majorly occurs in this one.

There are others to like enginears sometimes just won't do nothing, when you have a broken ride they just wont fix it no matter how many times you place them right next to it so you will have to delete it all together, toy wont even be able to test it which is a real bummer and sometimes upsetting. Sometimes but quite rarely people will say the vandalism is very bad even tough there may be few people with over 100 sercurity gaurds and for some reason no matter how extreme you build a roller coaster, people will ride on it as long as it is not to high, no matter how many G's are on a roller coaster even if you build one with 10 odd people will ride it with no problem. There is also a bug were if you build a realy long roller coaster, sometimes for some weird reason when you connect it at the end it wont becuase the station height is different from your track height so all of a sudden you build this fantastic roller coaster that you can't realy do nothing with execpt test it and wacth it crash.

But despite all that there are some truely amazing aspects about the game such as little kids will go on more gentle rides and drag there parents and teenagers will want to go on fast and noasous roller coasters. Tough, there are some times were little kids will want to go on some huge roller coasters and they will stay away from gentler rides which kinda detracts from the game and realy no one ever seems to want to go on gentle rides no matter how cheap they are.

Also, the controls interferance is alot more complex than previous RCT titles and it can realy take some time to get used to. It is more focused on little things which you probaly won't bother with and is focused on subcatorgorys with many and many even endless sub-menus that just seem to bug you. But one of the stronger elements of the gameplay is that you can do all sorts of realy cool loop - to -loops and corkscrews and vert drops it is truely spectacular and so many things you can do which wern't there in previous games. Also, one of the best things about this game is getting a first person view and experiancing your ride without the wind in your face and scary heart pounding drops.

There are so many things to talk about this game I want to talk about but I just can't otherwise you would be reading through a never - ending encyclopedia but I will say that the Graphics are absolutly amazing, altough It is going to take some high Hz proccesor to run this game at a smooth framrate and accecptable graphics. Some of the particle effects can realy slow down your game and it is a huge system hog so for thoose lower performence PC's you will have to turn the graphics right the way down in order to play it at an acceptable rate.

The musical sound in RCT3 is - as descirbed - a bit "new age" and doesen't like the the modern day carnival but there are plenty of screams from rides and plentiful of abient sounds and rackety clank roller coaster but there could of been more done to the sound.