Great game, best in series. 9/10

User Rating: 9 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 PC
Roller coaster tycoon 3 is much better if you buy the expansion packs because generally it's just much more fun.
It's the first of it's type where you can actually ride the coaster as thought your on it. This is probably the best new feature that has been introduced in this game as well as much better graphics and a wider choice of rides to choose from.
You can make plain old boring roller coasters or you could spend ages on making one roller coaster and make it lok professional by putting scenery around it and using realistic speeds, not speeds when in real life the coaster would just fly off going over a hill.
You can go on this game just to learn how to work it or you could have ago at making your own park and coaster etc. If you find that boring then you could enjoy yourself by making roller coasters that crash.
But thats not all. You can make them crash into tourists if your really bored. But you probably won't be.
There's so much to do on this game that you can't do on the others. It's one the best game i've got on pc following sims, 007 and call of duty. Worth trying it out.