I really hate this game. it's like eating raw uncooked meat with rotten fruit smeared over it.
User Rating: 1 | Simple 2000 Series Vol. 33: The Jet Coaster - Yuuenchi Otsukurou! PS2
Well, the food I described sounds better than THIS PILE OF JUNK! I saw this game in Tescos for £5 ($10 in the u.s.) so I thought I would spend a small amount of my hard earned cash on this game. I was begged by my friends not to play it but I thought this game looked like it had a bit of potential. when I popped this game into my beloved ps2 the nightmare began. The graphics look like a used and unflushed toilet, the controls was stiff and difficult to use- WHY? WHY?!! URGH! my £5 is wasted! the lovely money taken- no, stolen from me and I received used toilet paper! My ps2 spat out the dirt and I tortured it like it tortured me! I placed the disc in between a vise and tightened it until it couldn't tighten anymore. the disc had criticle clamp marks then I placed it back in it's coffin (the disc case) and I burned it on my barbeque. I watched it melt onto the charcoal and it was like watching a demon getting destroyed by an messiah, an angel. It was amazing as I knew that messiah was me!
Graphics 1/10
Music 0/10 ( Sounded like a singing cat)
Gameplay minus infinite/10
value 1/10 not worth your money!
Overall score 1.0 out of 10 (more like 0!)
Next Review: Left 4 Dead, a way better game...