Only enjoyable if your high, apart from that its absolute crap.

User Rating: 1.3 | Simple 2000 Series Vol. 33: The Jet Coaster - Yuuenchi Otsukurou! PS2
Well.... where do i begin. Firstl the only reason i am doing this review is that i have nothing to do at the moment and i didn't by the game, my elder sister did thinking that it was cool. Oh how wrong she was. Basically its another company trying to copy the ever successful "Rollercoaster Tycoon" to which i am a big fan. Basically you have a park and you build rollercoasters and all sorts of rubbish. The only part which is enjoyable (enhance by being high) is when you actually test out the ride with people on it. The physics on this game are all messed up and when you build absolutly impossible rides, the people just fly out of the coaster at rediculous speed, either heading to outer space, that hill in the distance or the centre of the earth. I am still ashamed of it being sat there in my collection, believe i've tried to get rid of it, but i would have to pay to get rid of it as no one with half a brain would buy it.