A RPG, one story, eight characters, eight different pair of eyes to look through the story. So common.. not

User Rating: 8.2 | Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song PS2
Well I have seen many RPGs with one story, many characters and multiple endings. But truly I never played an RPG like this one! This is one of the games that catch my attention before even they start! Yes one of the rare ones indeed. It got my attention by the preview video! Yes, the combination of the Minstrel's minuet and Minstrel (probably - not sure since i can't understand) telling about the story of these eight heroes. It was like a fairytale. The ones we tell to little kids to fall sleep. So soothing and relaxing..

As I began I looked through all the characters and I didn't like no one. I chose Gray cause a friend told me to just to check. I didn't like much the textures and all but thats probably because I was angry about Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life so I was not able to judge right. The thing that stroke my eye was the background. When i looked at it it was like a painting and it was the thing that made me decide that sometime I would play this game. Well 2 months passed and now that work has called since Christmas are over I got a chance to check on it.

As I began I created a totally different opinion about the textures. Everything was perfect. I am not very good at understand whats bad and whats good in the graphics or music section. Well I know for example Romancing saga has beautiful music, Musashi has stupid voice actors, Ephemeral Phantasia has slow fights EverGrace has a totally sucky ending and etc etc. In other words the heavy seen stuff. So for now the only thing that stands out in Romancing Saga is that the clues and the story don't have a straight line to walk on.

This one began as a bad thing but it ended up as a revolutionary good thing! Yes it is nice to get lost in a giant world with no clue what to do the most times and just walk finding new quests and new clues out of nowhere. Also the time for some reason seems to pass. I say this cause it seemed that at one shop the owner was there but when I revisited he was dead or something and his daughter had took over. The best thing that gets your attention in this game for sure is the music and sounds, but I guess that was expected since a "main" hero is the Minstrel. Also the battle system is rather attractive and easy to use and it surely gives you more than you can possibly wish for.

Now even if its good to live this new "explore blindly" thingy sometimes it gets rather irritating. But aw well the fans have to live with it. I understand now why I saw that this game was Final Fantasy's rival. All I wish is more RPGs will come one. Hooray for Playstation's RPGs!!!!!! Have nice time playing this except piece of poetry in motion. ^_^

P.S. For me the top for a game is 9 since nothing is perfect but indeed the sound in this game is above perfect for me. ^_^