The thrid in the series of total war takes a big step up with graphics and gameplay. During battle you feel like it real

User Rating: 9.4 | Rome: Total War PC
The thrid in the series of total war takes a big step up with graphics and gameplay. During battle you feel like it real with thousands of troops battleing for there life. Also the sound should be respect from every swing of a sword a shot from a bow you hear the sound. The music also changes what is happanding in battle like if your are chargeing it changes.

The inperal game is as good as ever first of all you pick one of powerfust roman familes and you do mission for the senate like blockade a port take a setlement for the empire but soon or later the fellow roman familes will get jeoleus of your suceess and will start a cival war so you fight the other roman familes to become the surpream rulier of rome which is a good last 150 turn battle

Rome total war is one of the best games i have ever played on pc it might take a while for new comeers to settle but after hour or so you will be killing guals for rome

So i m going to give rome total war