Rome may be the best strategy game out there and is an instant classic because of its unik gameplay and epic battles.

User Rating: 9.4 | Rome: Total War PC
I've never played any of the Total War games before picking up Rome: Total War. I'm a big fan of strategy games and after reading about Rome for a while, I simply had to experince it, cause that's what this is, an experience.

The graphics in Rome: Total War are amazing. The world map in the campaign is pretty good and looks alot like civilization, but the battles are what makes Rome a feast for your eyes. There are thousands of soldiers battling each other and it looks beautiful. Individual soldiers get hit and when a firing rock sent from a massive catapult hits your men, and you can see them catch fire and get blown sky high, that's when Rome shows muscles. This game is truely epic and every little attention to graphical details helps to make this game one of the best PC games available. The campaign map doesn't look as astonishing as the battles, and therefor the graphical score goes down to a 9, which isn't bad all!

The sounds are incredible. The sound of your men running into battle screaming towards the barbaric enemy is awesome. The campaign map features great music which is really relaxing and moody.

Rome: Total War is a memorable experience that easily stands out of the croud. The gameplay is really brilliant. The campaign is inspired by Civilization and the battles has come from evolution throughout the past Total War games, and it's almost perfect. There are just so many things to do and you're just sucked into the rome empire and it's very hard to get out. There's no problem playing this game for 4-8 hours straight, and when you go to bed, you can't wait to wake up again! My dad even joined me while playing, and we sat there for like three hours drinking coffee, discussing war strategies and what to do with those rebels in my capital city. The game is pretty hard to get into at first, but the game features a manual with 80 pages of english text, and there are many advises both in city management and battles, which is great for the beginners in the series like myself. This is a game with more strategy than most other strategy games out there. We're all used to the rush in most RTS games out there, but Rome is a solid and exciting game that features a huge gameplay that'll eat up a chunk of your lifetime, and you do not wan't it back! Buy Rome: Total War and experience the epic battles, the fascinating campaign and drop dead gorgeous visuals!

Awesome graphics. This is a massive game that'll last as long as you wan't it to! The sounds are great with some fine music.

The sea battles aren't that good cause you don't play them.