The best strategy game out there!

User Rating: 9.6 | Rome: Total War PC
Here in England, there used to be a programme on TV called 'Time Commanders', in which two teams battled each other with virtually created armies. They used Rome: Total War to simulate these armies, and I wished that it was a game that you could buy in stores. My wish came true!

This game is amazing, it will keep you playing for weeks. The graphics are breath-taking, with each soldier individually modelled, standing with hundreds of other fully-modelled soldiers. The graphical detail in the game are a huge leap from Medievil: Total War, going from blurry blobs to accurate looking soldiers. Another great feature is the ability to zoom right in and experience the battle at ground level, which is stunning.

The tactical detail is excellent, allowing you to choose which settlements you conquer (and what you do with its inhabitants) and who governs them. The world view is very detailed, with mountain ranges and sprawling deserts. The AI in Rome: Total War is the most intelligent you will find in any stategy game, and the enemy really does think about the best tactics to use; if they flank you with cavalry you're mincemeat. And they know that.

Overall, Rome: Total War is the best strategy game around, and you'd be mad not to get it!