Epic is the only word to describe it, and Rome:Total War is the only game to describe the word Epic.
The only thing I will tell you is that I haven't managed to fully play a game till the end.
I have tried almost every game that was supposed to be good and thrill me but I couldn't even finish a demo!So boring these games.
I have even tried THE World of Warcraft.The 10 days trial was too long for me...boring.I don't know.Maybe I am getting too old and weird.
My friends are having fun playing all of their great games.So it is propably me.right?
Until one day, on Saturday,9,September, on the historical year 2004 a friend of mine told me,
-Hi,how are you today?
-I am fine thank you, I replied.But that was another story...
Anyway, another friend of mine,and this is the story, said to me,
-I have a demo of a game that is too difficuilt for me, and I dont like it very much.Since you don't like every fantastic game I have been suggesting you,maybe you should try this pain of a game.
And since that time, I have conquered the ancient world 5 times with my unsurpassed strategy and command in the battlefield.
Now I am playing the Rome Total Realism Platinum pack which I suggest you install as well.
No I don't mean YOU.Not you who are playing guild wars.No,not you who are scratching your nose...Yes you,with the blue jean and the brown t-shirt,yes,you I am telling you.OK?
And please stranger passing by,go tell the players that here in this gameless PC,a real game is installed,and it wasn't me afterall...