nice game if your burnt out of a rea l mmorpg. but as a stand alone mmo its kind of flat.

User Rating: 5.9 | ROSE Online PC
having played mmos such as WoW, GW, RYL and the like as well as the other engish rose which is IRose. i can safely say this current version is flatter then a pancake with no flour.

the game is pretty fun but the music is quite boring and in some spots repeats with a diffrent beat, saddly after playing it for 5hrs i find the music can and will put you to sleep its so dull

the game play its self is pretty good in a way where you need to complete quests to get the good jobs and such but as there are almost no quests and the few there are they are super short kind of leaves you with the boring grind come lv 20.

also there are no quest guides lots of offical looking quest help FAQs but no indeepth guides on where to find npcs with quests and who to talk to and where while working on the quest.

as well as there are still soo many bugs in the game that they had from months back leads me to believe they dont plan to add any more content or patches to the game other then their planet patches, a good spot for bugs is quests they claim to give one thing but give another as well as the map its self is a pain you can get stuck in a sort of hole on map areas that seem flat or only barely rised

if they put more work in to the game and fixed the lack of game help and bugs im sure this game could be something not as good as wow or eq but it could be up there with the good 2d/3d games

saddly with all the rumors of it going p2p this month (november) i dont think it will find a good home in the NA game area do to the current server crashes and constent bug/glitches.