RPG Maker 3 is the best RPG Maker ever!!!!!!!!!!!
the best game in it's series. RPG Maker 3 is better then RPG Maker 2 in so many ways, here is a list. 1. It's more easy. 2. It's so much more fun. 3. Characters have faces in 2D while in speech (only if you want to) 4. Your characters aren't stupid lookin midgets. If I told you the rest you'd be here for hours. This game is hard at first, but if try long enough, you'll get the hang of this game. And remeber, if you mess up with something you can always delete it and try it again, and you can bulid a game! So if you avoid this series of games because it looks to hard, (you'd be right) but being able to build a game sticks in your head, buy this game.