This game is very frusterating, but can be fun once you get past the frusteration and difficulty.
Graphics 4: This game litterally has the worst graphics of any game since about 1990, so overall the graphics are very poor, and look blocky, and the people are only about 2 inches tall at most.
Sound 8: The music in this game is certaintly one of it's best points. There are no voices, but the actual sound effects and music are both pretty good.
Value 9: This game has a quite lengthy RPG Fuma in it, plus it will litterally take you months to even come close to making your own RPG, and you can always make more RPGs after that.
Tilt 8: It is cool that you can mostly make everything of an RPG that you want, except that there's no dialogue except for the keyboard, and there are several other obstcales that don't give you total control. And it is really frusterating and annoying laying out the pieces for every town.
Overall 7/10 Overall this is pretty much a decent video game with a lot of flaws, yet there is enough good stuff in this game that it still may be worth a look from anyone who wanted to make their own RPG.